Madison Birth Doula services
You may be wondering if a doula is right for you...
You may be wondering if a doula is right for you...
Can a birth doula really help you feel empowered in your birth? Will they get in the way, or pressure you into a certain type of birth? Won’t my partner/friend/family member provide enough support? (plus, I don’t want extra people seeing me naked!) Those are really common questions and concerns I hear from families seeking a Madison doula, and I’m here to answer them.
I think a birth doula can be helpful to anyone having a baby. It doesn’t matter where you are having your baby, or what your ideal birth looks like.
You deserve the support of someone who “gets” you, believes in you, and supports your choices.
Most people don't know what to expect from their birth experience.
They may assume their nurse will be with them the whole time, that their partner will be fantastic, and that labor will be short albeit painful. They’ll go into labor by their due date, they’ll get their epidural just when they want it, and their midwife or doctor will be there with them for the entire journey. And then their birth doesn’t happen that way at all and they leave wondering what just happened? How were all their assumptions wrong? And who do they turn to figure it out?
I don't want to paint a picture of doom and gloom but birth is unpredictable, unplannable, and always has a surprise or two. And nothing is going to help someone navigate the unknown better than a doula. I don’t want you to go through this alone, unseen, and unprepared. Even if you have the sweetest birth imaginable, a birth doula can make it even better!
What is a badass birth? Different than you might imagine!
It might be ... fast, in the hospital, long, in the car (!), vaginal, by cesarean, at home, overwhelming, gentle, by forceps, medicated, magical, induced, spiritual, overwhelming, powerful ... and more!
Think of a doula as your personal ‘familiar’. A ‘familiar’ is a friendly entity, an ally that aids and assists you. A familiar knows you, and you know them.
When you are in labor, you will need someone who knows what you want and understands the birth process and the medical system. For most folks, those are unfamiliar arenas and hard to navigate when you are busy having a baby, or are a tired and stressed out partner.
As your Madison birth doula, I will be by your side helping you be more relaxed knowing all your needs will be taken care of, and your trusted doula is going to guide you each step of the way.
badass Madison doula support in pregnancy, birth & postpartum

doula prenatal visits
These visits are held in your Madison area home, or a coffee shop, or other comfortable location. Our time together is fun, casual, and super helpful. We discuss all sorts of things: your vision for your birth, what you think will be helpful to you in labor, your partner’s (or others who will be at your birth) role.
We can practice positions and movements if you like, write a birth plan, make helpful lists, and share resources. Some clients ask me to attend one of their doctor/midwife visits with them - so their doula can meet their care provider, help them remember questions to ask, and debrief after.

labor & birth support
I join you at your Madison area home or place of birth when you feel like you are ready for birth doula support. I offer suggestions, hands-on comfort, and helpful tools from my birth bag. I support you in various positions, or do them with you. I help you with encouragement or rest, information and advocacy. I’m right by your side (physically or energetically).
I stay with you for as long as it takes and help your partner or other support people pace themselves. After your baby is born, I stay for an hour or two to help you get comfortable, feed your baby and yourself, and get settled in for your postpartum stay.

doula postpartum visits
I visit you at your Madison area home a few days after your baby is born. This postpartum doula visit is like an old friend (who knows a lot about postpartum and feeding a newborn, but isn’t full of opinions and unwanted advice) stopping by to check in on you. You don’t have to get out of bed, I’ll fold your laundry.
And I’ll give you tips, resources, a kind ear, a foot rub, and a hug. Along with anything else you need as you blossom into a brand-new parent.
Now the question is... am I the birth doula for you?
Now the question is... am I the birth doula for you?
There are three things I offer as a Madison area birth doula that, when combined together, make me your badass doula, your ‘familiar’:
What I won’t do is tell you how to do you. I won’t save you from complicated relationships, or make you have a perfect birth. Birth is the great unknown, and I am not a future-seer, so I can’t tell you what is going to happen.
You’re a badass, remember, so my job is to amplify that, not weaken you by being some sort of misguided savior.