hi there, Ready to chat about booking your badass experience?
Let's schedule your free consult to explore all your options! This is a chance for us to chat about all the services I offer and come up with the best experience for your needs. Just check the experience below that you feel best fits what you are looking for. From there you will be able to book a 30 -45 minute Zoom call with me so we can chat face to face (ok, computer screen to computer screen) and get to know one another a little better.
Not quite sure about what you need and feel more comfortable chatting through email? No problem. Send over an email to hello@birthside.com and we will go from there.
I can't wait to hear from you!
** My current availability listed below**
November, December 2024, January 2025, early to mid February 2025, and mid-March 2025.